* Analysis totals are subject to errors and ommisions.
The soils of farmland importance and soil type information provided in this application is based on published estimates produced by soil survey staff at the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), United States Department of Agriculture and published through the Web Soil Survey in 2017. It is available online at https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov. The soils information in this application is suitable for general mapping and planning purposes and can be used to identify general soil patterns and trends within Missoula County. It is not intended to be used for site-specific determinations or to replace the advice of a professional soil scientist. Additional information about local soils can be obtained by contacting the NRCS Missoula Area Office at (406) 829-3395.
Generate Soil Report:
Click the map to select a single parcel and display ownership information or select the 'Soil Analysis' tab above then click either the select tool or the draw tool icon. When you click either tool on this tab, the indentify parcel method will be disabled until the tools are turned off.

Draw Tool:  
When the draw tool is active (green), draw a shape (see 'Shape Type' below) on the map. The parcels with be merged together and used as the clipping shape to generate the soil report.

Shape Type: Select the type of drawing you would like to perform by selecting it in the drop-down.
  • Freehand Polygon: Like using a pen, hold down mouse button to draw, release when finished
  • Polygon: Click verticies to create a polygon, double click when at least 3 verticies have been created
  • Circle: Click center point and drag mouse to change circle radius, release when finished
Pan functionality using the mouse will be suspended until the tools are deactivated (red) by clicking a green icon again.

Area measurements are calculated using Montana State Plane NAD 83 Meters (WKID 32100).

The information in this application is subject to errors and ommissions. Please check legal records before making any assumptions.

Moving Around
To move the map press and hold the left mouse button on top of the map to drag it in the desired direction. You can zoom in or out using your mouse center scroll wheel, or alternatively using the zoom in/zoom out buttons in the lower left corner of the map. Double-clicking the left mouse button will zoom into the map one step.

Click the search button in the upper right corner of the map to search for an address or parcel.

Additional Layers
You can change the layers shown in the map by opening the 'Layers' dialog. From here you can toggle the various layers such as Roads, Address Points and City/County boundaries. You can also bookmark your location in the 'Bookmarks' tab.